COVID-19 Level 2

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) RED Traffic Light Level and Dental Treatment.

At Tahunanui Dental Centre and Mapua Dental Service, caring for the health and safety of our patients and staff is our top priority. We are closely monitoring the situation and are taking the following steps to protect you and our staff and families.

Following Ministry of Health Guidelines, we can provide routine treatment for our patients, except for those who are:

COVID positive, are awaiting COVID test results, have been in close contact with COVID-positive people or have been in a location of interest.
If you fall into one of the above categories, we can only provide limited treatment for Dental Emergencies, or refer you to
Nelson Hospital for dental treatment.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include a cough, fever and shortness of breath. You can call Healthline’s COVID-19 advice line 24/7 on 0800 358 5453. Check the Ministry of Health website for the latest updates:

After normal working hours, phone 027 448 2424 to speak to the on-call dentist.

If Dental treatment is appropriate, you will be asked to use hand sanitizer and/or asked to wash your hands before entering the surgery. If you need to cough or sneeze, please do so into your elbow. Maintain a 2-metre gap from our staff where possible. Only the patient [and one caregiver if appropriate] will be admitted to the Practice.
You may be asked to wait in your car before your appointment to minimize the number of patients in the waiting room.

Best wishes,
Derek Gray
Tahunanui Dental Centre
 & Mapua Dental Service

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